Labex IBEID, Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

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Vector Insects and Pathogen Transmission – International Pasteur Course

Event from 21/05/2024 to 21/06/2024

A comprehensive understanding of host-vector and vector-pathogen relationships is fundamental in the study of these diseases. This is the approach that the course will promote to train medical entomologists capable of appreciating the role of vectors in the functioning of vector ecosystems and considering the disruption of the vector transmission chain.

Medical entomology is a key discipline for many Pasteurians and IRD researchers, both past and present; in this lineage, this course deliberately combines tradition and modernity.

Lectures will be given in the morning by specialist researchers to present both classical and the most recent knowledge regarding the biology of hematophagous arthropods, the infectious agents they transmit—emphasizing their transmission modes—and the associated diseases.

Participatory practical work will be offered in the afternoon, also led by specialist researchers, focusing on the main families of vector or nuisance insects and ticks, as well as on the main techniques used in medical entomology.

Students are invited to actively participate in discussions with the course leaders and speakers during the lectures, during three round tables, and during an individual presentation before a panel of specialists on a medical entomology topic not covered in the lectures.

This IP-IRD course will take place every even year at the Institut Pasteur Paris. A two-week workshop addressing a medical entomology theme will be attached to it. This workshop will be held at a RIIP institute in odd years on a topic of importance to the region.

Find all the information for registration:


Course Direction:

Anna-Bella FAILLOUX – Labex IBEID – Institut Pasteur


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